National Health Account 2010 – 2016, 2017 (CHECOD, FMoH and NBS)

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Policy Objectives Of The 2010-2016, 2017 NHA

The main goal of the 2010-2016 and 2017 NHA is to demonstrate how Nigeria’s health resources are spent, on what services, which providers, who pays for them and through which schemes. NHA is used for monitoring health expenditure patterns and to provide requisite information to improve the capacity of decision-makers to identify health system problems and improve health system performance.

Key Findings


Specifically, the NHA is expected to answer the following policy questions:

  1. How are resources mobilized and managed for the national health system?
  2. Who pays and how much is paid for health care?
  3. Who provides goods and services, and what resources do they use?
  4. How are health care funds distributed across the different services, interventions and activities that the health system produces?
  5. Which health providers benefit from health care expenditure?
  6. What is the comparison between funds released to and funds received by benefiting entities within the national health system?
  7. What is the level of resources mobilized for health within the country by development partners?
  8. What is the Total Health Expenditure (THE) for the country?
  9. What is the level of expenditure for preventive and curative health care?

In addition, the NHA sub-accounts for priority health interventions will be estimated. These include reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Non-Communicable Diseases and Neglected Tropical Diseases.

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National Health Accounts Core Team

  1. Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH)
  2. National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
  3. Centre for Health Economics and Development (CHECOD)
  4. World Health Organization (WHO)

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